…beacon of LOVE, HOPE and GRACE HIS HOUSE is a cell-based church to better equip people for ministry and impact our community for Christ. We literally rethink what the church should be and ask ourselves what kind of a church Jesus envisioned when He said, "I will build My church…" It is a church with a deep bond of relationship, and true community development. Members experience a sense of belonging and manifest caring and sharing in tangible ways and real pastoral care is extended to everyone. It is a church where accountability, responsibility, commitment to one another as member of family of God; support and community life is real and valued. Each cell group, not inward looking, but focus outward to the community to be the church, the answer to the world of problems and needs, to believers, pre-believers, churched, unchurched and to everyone. (Romans 8:18-30) Indeed it's a church where mutual caring and sharing are experienced and focusing on the primary objectives: (1) Evangelism and discipleship nurture, (2) Pastoral care, and (3) Leadership and ministry development.